Kevyn is the most recent added value in the restaurant. He will never fail to make you laugh while giving you a feeling that nothing is impossible. He seems to be solid in his boots as he tells us about his masterplan in life. And oh yeah, he is our chef. But he prefers to be called the 'Kitchen Atelier Responsible'.
Between 'de soep' and 'de patatten' we asked him to sit down, so we could ask him some questions.
Thank you for participating in this interview. Can you introduce yourself to the people who don't know you yet?
Hi, I'm Kevyn. Kitchen atelier responsible at Pois Chiche. As a person, I like being around other people and enjoy those moments. I'm also quite curious and love to discover new things. I'm rather a calm type of person who doesn't like to get to nervous by things happening around me, and I really enjoy tranquillity by reading a nice book.
What keeps you busy besides working at Pois Chiche?
My dream is to open a social kitchen one day and I'm trying to pursue this dream. Next to that I'm fascinated by the world of food. Tasting raw (forgotten) foods. Making food by trying new techniques. Bringing people together. And also being involved in social activities.
How do you start / end your day? Do you have a morning / evening ritual?
In the morning I drink coffee. At night before going to sleep I have a glass of Kombucha and I read a (comic) book.
How did you end up at Pois Chiche?
In the summer of 2021 I had a deep talk with a friend of mine, who told me almost anything is possible in life as long as you dare to jump into the deep. And I jumped. I left my previous job and pursued my dream to become a cook. Pois Chiche was looking for one so it was a perfect match.
What exactly do you do at Pois Chiche?
As the kitchen atelier responsible I've to overview the production part of the food, while working with fantastic team members. I'm in charge of the orders from our local suppliers, preparing all the food and making sure people have a nice meal to enjoy in the restaurant.
How would you describe PC yourself?
For me Pois Chiche is a conscious innovative food concept, breaking with the traditional type of restaurants. Fresh vegetarian food, farmed locally and prepared with love.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?
Hmm, not an easy as one.. My google friend tells my I would be a badger. As a lot of his (spiritual) traits match with me (In my humble opinion). Which one, you'll need to discover for yourself.
What is your best memory of working Pois Chiche?
The week we processed around half a ton of chickpeas. At the end I was so tired, but o so satisfied. I'll also never forget the Tarabomb exploding in the kitchen covering the wall with Tarator sauce.
Do you have any further ambitions at Pois Chiche?
As mentioned before, my dream is the open a social restaurant at some point in my life. But that will not be for tomorrow. My passion is cooking and I want to share this with Pois Chiche and his public. I would like to focus on an even more healthy and yummy balance in the PC plates. This is my mission.
Thank you so much for participating in this interview, Kevyn! See you tomorrow!